And other dramatic clips ..........
Seasons Greeetings. (From Dr. Phillipe Jeanty, at Christmas, 1999).
The Singing Fetus. A Karaoke Party Invitation
The discussing fetuses. Opening Logo to the Forum area of the - Ultrasound.
The waving fetuses. Opening Logo to the
Russian Website
Siescape image from Siemens. Large image. Used by my learned colleague W. S. as a 800x600 wallpaper.
Incredible video clip of a fetus in the cockpit, complete with sound. Origin not certain. Click here to download the mpg (Mpeg) file (351K).
The yawning fetus. 3D-Video clip of a fetus in a yawning gesture. Click here to view the .mov (Quicktime) file (559K). Clip courtesy of Dr. Bernard Benoit in his early days of Video 3D (4D) research.
The fetus who had a flu (joke)! Extraordinary video clip of a fetus in a coughing/ sneezing gesture, recorded with color doppler in a study of paranasal fluid flow. Click here to view the .mov (Quicktime) file (64K only). Author: Dr. Patrick Redon, Montauban, France. Reproduced with permission.
Champagne for the Millenium. Color doppler video images of the micturicting fetus. Click here to view the .mov (Quicktime) file. Author: Dr. Patrick Redon, Montauban, France. Reproduced with permission.
Greeting for Passover from Dr. Israel Shapiro, MD. at the Institute of Ultrasound in OB/GYN Elisha Hospital, Israel. "..... The fetus is eating MATZA, a special bread eaten by the Jews on Passover..... ". Click here to download and view the .mpg file (2.3 MB).
From Linton Reflections. They make Ultrasound Keepsakes by combining ultrasound images with selected backgrounds and messages.
From ArtInUtero - Creations from the womb tm. Creating original portraits from sonograms by Lisa Wood.
From tm. Original T-shirts with medical themes.
From Good Fortunes tm. Custom-made crackers with your ultrasound pictures on them.
Another remarkable work from Dr. Israel Shapiro, MD. at the Institute of Ultrasound in OB/GYN Elisha Hospital, Israel. An mpeg clip prepared for a round table discussion in a convention in Israel. The clip presents 4 fetuses in 4D sitting at a round table discussion. Click here to download and view the .mpg file (4.7 MB). Please switch on sound for the background music.
Yet another excellent work from Dr. Israel Shapiro, MD. at the Institute of Ultrasound in OB/GYN Elisha Hospital, Israel. An mpeg clip of a singing fetus in the second trimester. Click here to download and view the .mpg file (4.1 MB). Please switch on sound for the background music.
If you know of any more such gorgeous work please let me know.These images and clips are copyrighted by the individual authors. Please do not use them commercially or distribute without a copyright notice.
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